Cockroach Control in Polk County

Seeing a cockroach scurry across your kitchen floor may be a fright. However, it also could be a sign that more are hiding somewhere on your Polk County property. Luckily, Critter Control® of Polk County is ready to help you tackle a cockroach infestation of any size with our effective cockroach control services.

6 Types of Cockroaches

There are several species of cockroach throughout the United States. Below are the most common roaches that could be infesting your Polk County property.

  1. American roach
  2. Brown banded roach
  3. German roach
  4. Oriental roach
  5. Smoky brown roach
  6. Wood roach

Cockroach Threats

Aside from being a disgusting annoyance, cockroaches pose a serious health risk to the people and pets on your property. Often found living inside wooden cabinets and furniture, cockroaches can carry diseases and leave the pathogens on your countertops and floors. Cockroaches also can trigger asthma and allergy attacks in sensitive individuals.

Effective Cockroach Control Services

While there are several at-home remedies such as sprays and roach motel bait traps, the most efficient option for permanent cockroach control is to hire an expert. Instead of using dangerous and harsh chemicals, the pros at Critter Control® of Polk County use Eco-Wise™ pest management to safely eliminate cockroaches from your Polk County property. Our services are low-risk and low-impact to minimize any threats to you and your home or business.

Our four-step process includes:

  1. Inspection – We will conduct a walkthrough of the inside and outside of your home to identify entry points and gauge the severity of the infestation.
  2. Documentation – After inspecting, we will work with you to come up with a cockroach removal plan that is both cost-efficient and effective.
  3. Removal – We use our Integrated Pest Management process to quickly and cleanly remove cockroaches from your property and seal off any entry points.
  4. Repair – If your property has experienced any damages or contamination because of the pests, we will sanitize and restore it to get your property looking good as new.

Your Polk County Cockroach Control Experts

The experienced cockroach removal technicians at Critter Control® of Polk County will quickly and safely remove nuisance cockroaches and unwanted wildlife from your property and keep them from returning.

At Critter Control® of Polk County, our licensed and trained specialists serve all major areas, including:

To receive a free estimate, call Critter Control® of Polk County today at 863-204-2815 to schedule your property inspection.