Critter Control of Lake Wales, FL

If you’ve put time and energy into renovations, additions, or even regular maintenance, wild animals can be devastating to your investment. And, it only takes a short window of time for a small pest problem to turn into something much bigger. Fortunately, whether your property is commercial or residential, you can count on the experts at Critter Control® of Lake Wales to secure your space.

Our seasoned wildlife technicians know that protecting your property is a priority. That’s why we aim to both solve and prevent pest problems for our neighboring homes and businesses with personalized solutions. Regardless of the type of pest, size of the property, or depth of damage, we can develop an infestation treatment plan that offers long-term results.

8 Critters to Look out for in Lake Wales

The Lake Wales ecosystem contains and an endless amount of wild animals, but the ones that most commonly stir up trouble include:

  1. Mice

  2. Armadillos

  3. Rats

  4. Bats

  5. Opossums

  6. Raccoons

  7. Snakes

  8. Squirrels

Pests of all shapes and sizes can cause trouble on your property, which is why it’s important that you call Critter Control® of Lake Wales if you encounter any wild animal—even if you don’t see it on our list.

Contact Critter Control® of Lake Wales

It’s never too early to take control of your pest problem. If you see or sense a wildlife issue on your property, have your perimeter inspected immediately. Our wildlife technicians will scan your entire building to uncover potential entry points, identify sources of interest for pests, and professionally secure any openings.

We offer a range of proactive, reactive, and consultative services that can guard your property for good, so you can find peace of mind knowing that your space is free of and protected from pests.

To schedule your free inspection, call us today at 863-204-2815.