Lakeland Snake Removal

Snakes are a fairly common sight for Floridians and we provide expert snake removal so you won’t have to worry about these slithering, long, and scaly creatures. They are often spotted sneaking around backyards scavenging for food and a place to raise their young. Though snakes will normally mind their own business in the wild, they can potentially get hostile and attack those who get too close and provoke them. If you see a snake around your Lakeland home or workplace, the wildlife control professionals at Critter Control® of Lakeland have the proper tools and experience to safely remove them from your property.

5 Snake Prevention Tips

One of the key ways to prevent snakes from occupying your yard is to keep it as maintained and secure as possible. Snakes love to inhabit yards that are filled with debris and other large objects that they may be able to use as shelter. Here are some of the best ways to keep your yard and property snake free.

  1. Fence off your whole yard.
  2. Check for any possible entry points that snakes could use to access your yard and close them off.
  3. Double-check all of your outer doors for damages and cracks that snakes may use to gain entry.
  4. Reduce or remove any objects such as logs, stumps, debris, stones, children’s toys, and yard equipment that snakes could use to conceal themselves.
  5. Ensure that all of your foliage is well-trimmed.

The Ineffectiveness of Snake Traps and Repellants

In general, snake traps are not very effective outdoors as snakes are not as likely to be intrigued by a trap in a wide-open space. Additionally, snake traps could accidentally lure an innocent critter, which could cause harm to the animal and be a waste of time to you. Traps should really only be used if you are certain that you have a snake problem inside your workplace or home.

Out of all the methods for snake removal and prevention, store-bought snake repellants are the least effective at getting the job done. The only repellants that are actually effective are natural repellants that are found in the wild, such as the musk of a kingsnake or the urine of a mongoose; however, chances are the average homeowner does not have these two substances on hand.

Rely on Snake Removal Experts

If none of the previously mentioned tips have helped you rid your property of snakes, then save yourself time, stress, and money by calling a professional pest and wildlife removal service that specializes in the efficient removal of snakes. For those in the Lakeland area looking for a cost-effective and safe way to snake-proof their properties, the licensed and certified experts at Critter Control® of Polk County are here to help.

Your Local Lakeland Snake Removal Professionals

Instead of trying to remove snakes from your property on your own, call the humane wildlife management experts at Critter Control® of Polk County to handle the job. Our fully licensed, trained, and certified technicians use our specialized, four-step CritterSafe® method for the eco-friendly, humane, and permanent removal of invasive critters such as snakes.

If you are dealing with an unwanted snake problem, call Critter Control® of Polk County today at 863-204-2815 to receive a free estimate.