Mole Removal in Davenport

Moles are burrowing rodents that are notorious for damaging lawns and gardens. Luckily, the pests leave distinct signs that indicate their presence. If you have noticed signs of nuisance moles on your property, don’t hesitate to call the wildlife professionals at Critter Control® of Polk County for fast and effective mole removal services.

Signs of Moles on Your Davenport Property

Moles can cause significant damage to the yard that you worked hard to build. Signs of mole activity to look out for include:

  1. Raised ridges and dirt mounds – As moles tunnel throughout your yard, they will leave crisscrossed ridges of raised dirt. These ridges will intersect at dirt mounds that moles use to breach the surface. Mole holes are clearly visible and identifiable.
  2. Discolored or dead grass –As moles tunnel, they will ruin flower beds, uproot vegetable gardens, and kill grass, causing it to brown or turn a pale green or yellow color. Such activities are telltale signs of moles in your yard.
  3. Areas of loose soil – The soil that moles tunnel through will become loose, leading to soft spots and holes that can be tripping hazards.
  4. Abundance of weeds – Moles detach plant roots as they tunnel, which allows weeds to grow. An abnormal amount of weeds in your yard can be a sign of burrowing moles.

Dangers of Invasive Moles

While moles can, indeed, destroy your landscaping, they can cause even more damage underground. Their incessant digging can damage sprinkler lines, sever electrical cables, disrupt plumbing pipes, and destabilize the foundation of your home.

If you suspect moles have infested your Polk County property, don’t waste precious time on any DIY mole removal methods and instead rely on the licensed and trained technicians at Critter Control® of Polk County. Our experts utilize a proven mole removal method that consists of a comprehensive property inspection and complete mole removal, as well as damage restoration and prevention services.

Effective Mole Removal Services in Davenport, FL

If your Davenport, Florida property is overrun with nuisance moles, then contact the professional mole removal experts at Critter Control® of Polk County. To schedule an inspection for your Davenport home or business and receive a free mole removal estimate, call us today at 863-204-2815.