Mole Removal in Haines City

Less than a foot in length, moles are dark-coated rodents that use their sharp claws to dig underground and propel their furry bodies through sediment and soil in search of insects and grubs. Haines City, Florida is often a hotspot for the pests as frequent rain showers and thunderstorms saturate the soil, and wet earth often houses more bugs and is easier for moles to dig through. Under these conditions, your backyard can quickly become a sanctuary for nuisance moles that are difficult to eliminate.

If your Haines City property has become overrun with nuisance moles, the wildlife professionals at Critter Control® of Polk County are just a phone call away to help clear your yard of these unwanted, damage-causing critters.

The Signs and Dangers of Moles in Your Haines City Yard

  • Damaged landscaping – As moles burrow their way through the ground outside your Haines City property, they will uproot the healthy plants and destroy the grass in your yard. If you notice areas of browning tracks in the grass in your yard, this can mean your lawn is full of moles.
  • Tripping hazards – Mole holes are another obvious indicator of moles activity outside your home. As moles burrow and come up for air, they leave behind a trail of dirt mounds that protrude above the ground. These mole holes can be large, deep, and easy to trip over. Such mole-created fall hazards can leave you with a twisted ankle at best, or a broken bone or head injury at worst.
  • Loss of power – As they hunt their prey, moles often rip through the plumbing and wiring that runs into and below your home. Their incessant digging can disrupt your water supply, dismantle your sprinkler system, and lead to electrical outages.

If you discover any of the above signs of moles, act fast before the damage to your property gets any worse. Contact the mole removal professionals at Critter Control® of Polk County to resolve your growing mole problem and restore your property.

Fast and Effective Mole Removal Services in Haines City

For 40 years, the licensed technicians at Critter Control® of Polk County have employed effective and eco-friendly methods of mole removal throughout Haines City and other areas of Central Florida. We will conduct a thorough inspection of your property to isolate the infestation, perform safe and humane removal practices, and install safeguards to prevent further mole issues.

To schedule an inspection for your Haines City home or business and receive a free mole removal estimate, call us today at 863-204-2815.