Mole Removal in Winter Haven

Moles are small mammals that live underground, measuring between 4-11 inches and only weighing eight ounces. Common to Central Florida properties, the rodent pests rely on their sense of smell as they burrow tunnels in search of insects and grubs. While moles may seem harmless, they pose a great risk to your Winter Haven property. If your property is overrun with moles, rely on the mole removal experts at Critter Control® of Polk County for help.

6 Signs of Nuisance Moles

It’s easy to spot if moles have made their way to your yard. Some common signs of mole activity include:

  1. Mounds of dirt, called molehills
  2. Raised ridges crisscrossing your yard
  3. Loose, squishy soil
  4. Discolored or dead grass
  5. Dead or uprooted plants
  6. Excessive weeds

Since these critters live underground, it’s hard to prevent moles from invading your yard. You probably won’t notice signs of their activity until they’ve already made a home under your Winter Haven property. Therefore, you should call Critter Control® of Polk County as soon as you notice the presence of moles to prevent their destructive digging from going any further.

Damages Caused by Moles

Despite their small size, moles can cause a lot of problems in a short amount of time. Molehills can be a tripping hazard, resulting in falls and injury. Moles can also disturb irrigation and cable lines and will uproot turf and garden plants, killing your landscaping. If moles burrow too close to the surface, their tunnels could collapse, creating unsteady soil that is unsafe to walk on. Their underground tunnels could also be an invitation for other pests to invade your yard.

Safe and Effective Mole Removal Services in Winter Haven

At-home mole removal techniques can involve dangerous chemicals that put you and the moles at risk. Instead of using inhumane poisons and other harsh treatments, rely on the professionals at Critter Control® of Polk County. Our team of mole removal experts uses eco-friendly and non-toxic techniques to evict nuisance pests. Our four-step mole removal method includes:

  1. Inspection: We conduct a thorough walkthrough of your property to identify mole activity.
  2. Removal: All moles are removed using safe and humane treatments.
  3. Prevention: Molehills are covered to prevent re-entry and injury.
  4. Restoration: Any property damage is restored to its original condition.

To schedule an inspection of your Winter Haven home or business and receive a free mole removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Polk County today at 863-204-2815.