Snake Removal in Auburndale

The Florida ecosystem is home to many different types of snakes, both native and invasive, but you don’t want either living in your backyard. These slithery, scaly creatures mostly keep to themselves, but if you enjoy hosting outdoor events or have a pet that frequents your backyard, the presence of snakes can be dangerous. Here are some temporary ways to deter snakes from your Auburndale property and the permanent snake removal strategies used by the professionals at Critter Control® of Polk County.

Attempt Snake Trapping

One potential snake deterrent is snake trapping. Snake traps are specifically designed to attract snakes, but they can accidentally attract and trap other creatures such as pets. If you have a snake problem and are placing traps outdoors, be sure to keep your pets inside.

Consider Snake Repellants

There are both natural and chemical snake repellants that you can choose to invest in; however, both types of repellants produce varying degrees of effectiveness. Most homeowners with nuisance snakes find that snake repellents don’t completely solve their snake problem. For a permanent solution, professional assistance is often required.

Declutter Your Outdoor Space

If your backyard is popular with snakes, you may want to try cleaning it up a little bit. Snakes prefer areas with lots of clutter and debris like branches, rocks, and foliage. Such coverage gives snakes plenty of places to hide, making them harder to find. You may want to consider trimming down overgrown bushes and clearing your yard of large rocks and branches. With fewer places to nest, your nuisance snakes may decide to relocate.

Rely on Auburndale Snake Removal Experts

As a Florida resident, you’re no stranger to the dangers of snakes, but that doesn’t mean you are qualified to safely remove them from your property. Ultimately, if you have a snake problem, the best course of action is to keep a safe distance and call on a professional. If there are snakes or other unwanted pests on your property, leave the hard work to your local Auburndale wildlife removal professionals at Critter Control® of Polk County. Our licensed and insured pest removal technicians have been serving Florida communities for over two decades and possess the experience and expertise needed to take care of your snake issue swiftly and effectively.

For more information on our excellent services or to schedule an inspection, contact us today at at 863-204-2815.