Snake Removal in Bartow

Most Florida residents know how common snakes are in the Sunshine State and have likely experienced a snake encounter or two. However, no one wants a snake slithering on their property or into their home or business. Whether they are there in search of food or shelter, venomous or non-venomous snakes near your Bartow property can be incredibly dangerous—especially if you have outdoor pets or small children that like to play in your backyard.

If you’re worried about snakes near your home or place of business, here are some tips, developed by the Bartow snake removal experts at Critter Control® of Polk County, to prevent a snake infestation on your property.

2 Important Snake Prevention Tips

If you want to decrease the likelihood of snakes living on your property, here are some steps you can try.

  1. Clean your yard. Snakes love cluttered backyards full of branches and foliage. These items give them plenty of places to hide, making an area with An abundance of debris both a safe place to hunt and to use as shelter. If you are worried that your cluttered backyard may be attracting snake activity, consider trimming down overgrown bushes and clearing your yard of toys, lumber, and equipment when they are not in use.
  2. Try using snake repellants. If cleaning your yard isn’t completely effective at preventing snake activity, you may want to invest in some preventative methods. The most common natural snake repellants, like mongoose urine or kingsnake musk, can be found at most home improvement stores.

Of course, repellants can be ineffective and clearing outside debris will do little to solve an indoor snake problem. Your best course of action to permanently remove snakes from your property is to contact the Bartow snake removal experts at Critter Control® of Polk County.

Call Your Bartow Snake Removal Experts

At Critter Control® of Polk County, we have the experience, expertise, and dedication to reliably serve as one of the top critter removal services in the Bartow area. Whether you’re dealing with snakes, rats, bats, squirrels, or raccoons, our licensed and trained technicians are equipped to ensure that your wildlife issue will be taken care of for good.

If you encounter snakes or any other nuisance wildlife on your property, keep a safe distance and do not attempt to remove them on your own. Instead, call the wildlife removal experts at Critter Control® of Polk County at 863-204-2815 to ensure a safe, efficient, and humane removal.