Spider Control in Polk County

As insect-eating arachnids, spiders provide natural pest control benefits to Central Florida residences and businesses. However, spotting one on or inside your Polk County property can still be an alarming experience. While you may be tempted to handle a growing spider problem on your own, to eliminate a spider infestation safely and permanently, you’ll need professional assistance. Fortunately, Critter Control® of Polk County is experienced and equipped to provide expert spider control services.

6 Common Spider Species in Polk County

Central Florida is home to several species of spiders, including:

  1. Common house spider
  2. Crevice spider
  3. Wolf spider
  4. Brown widow spider
  5. Brown recluse spider
  6. Black widow spider

Spiders can enter your home or business through doors, air vents, and other open crawl spaces. They can also gain entry by hitching a ride on objects brought inside, including shoes and delivery boxes. Once they make their way in, they like to nest in dark, quiet spaces and breed.

The Threat of Invasive Spiders

Some species of spiders aren’t innately dangerous. However, other species bite with dangerous venom. Black widow spiders are the most venomous species in the United States. Their bites can cause intense pain and require immediate medical attention. Brown recluses and brown widows are also venomous and are a danger to the people and pets on your property.

To reduce the level of risk to you and your loved ones, it’s best to keep a safe distance if you come across a spider infestation on your Polk County property and call your local pest control professionals at Critter Control® of Polk County.

Effective and Safe Spider Removal

Critter Control® of Polk County can help you deal with a spider infestation of any type or size. Instead of using toxic or harsh chemicals to remove pests, our Eco-Wise methods get the job done effectively while keeping you and your Polk County property safe. Our efficient, four-step process includes:

  1. We conduct a thorough walkthrough of your home’s interior and exterior to evaluate the size of your spider infestation.
  2. After documenting our findings, we work with you to come up with an affordable spider control solution.
  3. All unwanted pests are permanently removed using eco-friendly, non-invasive methods.
  4. Any entry points or damages caused by the infestation are sealed, cleaned, repaired, and restored.

Polk County’s Spider Control Professionals

The experienced technicians at Critter Control® of Polk County will quickly and safely remove nuisance spiders, pests, and unwanted wildlife from your property and keep them from returning. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate, call Critter Control® of Polk County at 863-204-2815.