Squirrel Removal in Bartow

Polk County is known for its rich Florida landscapes, an abundance of lakes, and its population of natural wildlife — squirrels included. More commonly seen hiding away in trees at local parks, squirrels have been known to invade Bartow properties in search of shelter, food, and water. Unfortunately, the presence of squirrels can cause significant damage to a residential home or commercial business. At Critter Control® of Polk County, our professionals are here to help restore the balance of your home or business and return any unwanted squirrels back to the wild where they belong.

3 Signs of a Squirrel Infestation

Some ways to identify a squirrel problem include:

  1. Spotting small droppings along attic floorboards

  2. Notice a foul urine smell that’s similar to ammonia

  3. Hearing scratching noises coming from your attic and walls

What Draws Squirrels to Your Property

There are many reasons a squirrel will pick your home for shelter. Squirrels can often flock to your attic to find safety from cold or rainy weather. It is also possible that they find comfort in your attic for nesting. A sure sign of this would be a pile of leaves and branches to create a safe space for breeding. Whatever the case may be if a squirrel decides to pick your home for shelter they can cause problems for both you and your family.

5 Problems Caused by Squirrels

Your unwanted guests can cause not only structural damage but outdoor damage as well. Some examples of squirrel damage include:

  1. Chewing of wooden support beams, flooring, or drywall

  2. Creating holes in walls and ceilings

  3. Electrical shortages

  4. Eating food from your garden or trees

  5. Feeding on and contaminating your birdfeeders

Humane Bartow Squirrel Removal

With our CritterSafe® method, we can ensure the effective removal of your unwanted attic residents. With the following four steps, we create a long-term solution that will protect your property from future invasions.

1. Inspection

We determine the squirrels’ entry points and the size and spread of your infestation.

2. Removal

We humanely trap squirrels and safely release them away from your property.

3. Exclusion

We use methods such as one-way exit doors and tree limb trimming that prevent squirrels from climbing trees near the roof.

4. Restoration

We repair any damage caused by squirrels on your property.

Your Bartow, FL Wildlife Partner 

While you may feel as if you can fix your squirrel problem on your own, we encourage you to reach out to us for professional assistance. At Critter Control® of Polk County, we are here to assist in your Bartow squirrel removal. If you believe you have a squirrel infestation or come in contact with a wild animal on your property, keep your distance and contact our wildlife removal experts. Using humane removal techniques, we can help in making your home a safe space again.

Call Critter Control® of Bartow today to schedule your free consultation at 863-204-2815.