Winter Haven Snake Removal

Because of the warm climate of the Sunshine State, snakes are a common sight in many Winter Haven, Florida backyards. While they typically keep to themselves and hunt mice, rats, and other vermin, snakes can attack if they feel cornered or threatened. Depending on the species of snake, the resulting health risks of a snake attack can potentially be fatal to Winter Haven home- and business owners as well as their occupants, family members, and pets.

If you have children or pets who play outside and have noticed the presence of snakes around your property, keep your distance and call the snake removal professionals at Critter Control® of Polk County to safely capture the pests and eliminate the dangers they can bring to your Winter Haven home or business.

5 Snake Infestation Prevention Tips

Snakes like to nest and hide in cool, shaded places such as inside sheds and overgrown vegetation or underneath porches, yard equipment, and piles of lumber. Here are some ways to make your yard less appealing to snakes: 

  1. Fence off your yard with deep and secure fencing materials.
  1. If you already have a fence, check for any possible entry points that snakes might be using to get in and seal them off.
  2. Check any exterior doors you may have for holes or cracks that snakes might be able to use to gain entry.
  3. The best thing you can do to keep snakes out of your yard is to keep your lawn clean and free of debris. Remove any objects from your yard that snakes could use as shelters, such as logs, stumps, stones, children’s toys, or yard equipment.
  4. Keep your shrubbery, foliage, and grass well-trimmed to limit snake hiding places.

Avoid Ineffective DIY Snake Removal

While there are other methods available for snake removal, such as snake traps and snake repellants, these methods may only offer a short-term solution and will not be as effective as hiring a professional. 

  • Snake traps – Snake trapping devices are only an option if there is a snake inside your house as most snakes know how to avoid outdoor snake traps. In fact, an exterior snake trap is more likely to capture another critter you were not intending to catch.
  • Snake repellants – Store-bought snake repellants are not very effective and may only serve to exacerbate the problem. Natural repellants like mongoose urine and kingsnake musk may be advertised to work best at deterring snakes, but they are inaccessible, costly, and unpleasant.

For effective and humane snake removal for your Winter Haven home or business, rely on the experienced professionals at Critter Control® of Polk County.

Our Four-Step CritterSafe® Snake Removal Method

Our team of professional technicians is committed to removing unwanted critters in a safe and humane way using our four-step CritterSafe® method:

  1. Inspection – One of our trained experts will thoroughly inspect your property for any compromised areas that the snakes used to gain entry and gauge the size and threat level of your infestation.
  2. Removal – The snakes will be trapped using eco-friendly and humane methods.
  1. Repair – We will repair, replace, and restore any damage caused by snakes.
  2. Exclusion – We will secure the area around your home or workplace to make sure snakes don’t return.

Professional Winter Haven Snake Removal

If you run into a snake or other wild animal near your Winter Haven home or business, do not attempt to remove it on your own. Instead, contact the experts at Critter Control® of Polk County. Our licensed and trained snake removal professionals will provide safe, eco-friendly, and permanent removal and exclusion services that will keep your property snake-free. To schedule an inspection to remove unwanted critters from your Winter Haven property, call us today at 863-204-2815.