Why Am I Getting Rats in My Garage?

Rats are tiny, agile rodents that can make their way into just about any space — including your garage. The longer it takes for you to notice rats in your garage, the more serious the infestation could become. Therefore, it’s important to know why and how rats get in your garage so you can get them out quick.

Why Are There Rats in My Garage?

Rats love dark, dry spaces that can provide them with accessible food, shelter, and water. They will make themselves at home among stacks of wood, clutter, or other large objects in your garage. Rats are scavengers, and will eat the trash or pet food you have stored in your garages. Leaks or condensation around pipes, hot water heaters, and HVAC units provide them with a steady water source.

How Did Rats Get in My Garage?

Rats only need half an inch of space to squeeze inside a residence. Even if your garage looks tightly sealed, there’s a chance rats can climb or chew their way in. Rats have long, incessantly growing teeth that they use to gnaw through materials. Additionally, rats are excellent climbers that can scale nearly vertical walls. Cracked drain pipes and overgrown tree limbs are also common garage access points.

4 Signs of Rats in My Garage

It’s important to notice the signs of rats so you can get to work on getting rid of them. Signs of rats in your garage include:

  1. Scratches along wood panels
  2. Grease stains along walls and floors
  3. Small, round rat droppings
  4. Bite marks on wiring, drywall, and plastic

Effective Rat Removal Methods

Instead of using harsh pesticides, Critter Control® of Polk County uses environmentally friendly, non-toxic methods that are safe for you, your loved ones, and pets. Our four-step rat removal process includes:

1. Inspection – We conduct a thorough walkthrough to determine the size and severity of your rat infestation. 

2. Removal – Any unwanted wildlife is removed using safe and humane trapping methods.

3. Exclusion – Entry points used by the rats are permanently sealed to prevent re-entry.

4. Repair – Any property damages caused by the rats are cleaned and restored.

Reliable Rat Removal Services in Polk County

The experienced wildlife removal technicians at Critter Control® of Polk County will remove rats in my garage and keep them from returning. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our rat removal services, call Critter Control® of Polk County today at 863-204-2815.


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